Stop Anxiety Attacks Fast Affirmations MP3

$3.00 $1.50

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Stop anxiety attacks fast! This subliminal affirmations MP3 provides an hour of deeply hypnotic binaural beats music to instantly relax your body and focus your mind. Meanwhile, the embedded affirmations will help you to get centered and stay focused so that you can avoid the overwhelm that lead to your anxiety in the first place, allowing you to avoid future anxiety attacks.

Stop Anxiety Attacks Fast Subliminal Affirmations

  • I am starting to take deeper breaths now.
  • Each time I breathe in, slowly, I am allowing myself to relax, a little bit more.
  • My mind is starting to focus on my breathing.
  • I am noticing each breath, as I inhale, relaxes me a little more.
  • And as I breathe out, I am able to relax, a little bit more.
  • My thoughts are beginning to focus on my breathing, more and more.
  • I can start to feel myself letting go and relaxing even more.
  • As I feel a calmness flowing over me, more and more, with each breath I take.
  • I am beginning to realize that I have total control over my breathing.
  • I can trust myself to relax even more as I breathe deep and just let go.
  • I have faith in my ability to handle challenges.
  • The deeper I breathe, the more clearly I can see the path before me.
  • The calmer I feel, the more confident I am that I can keep moving forward.
  • I am grateful that I can find my inner peace whenever I need it.
  • I am grateful for the strength to handle life’s challenges.
  • I am grateful that I can calm my emotions and focus my mind now.


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