Stop Binge Eating Subliminal Affirmations MP3


Willpower won’t stop you from binge eating.

When you try to deprive yourself, it triggers your body’s fight-or-flight response. Your body mistakes the sudden diet change as a signal that you are in danger of starvation. And it responds by lowering your metabolism and increasing your appetite to force you to eat.

Your willpower simply can’t compete with this survival instinct. The easiest way around this is to gradually switch to healthier eating habits. When you slowly adjust to a better diet over time, your body won’t think it’s starving and you won’t have to fight any intense cravings.

This subliminal affirmations MP3 provides an hour of deeply hypnotic binaural beats music embedded with powerful positive affirmations to allow you to let go of your food cravings as you gradually find yourself choosing healthier foods, in healthier proportions, allowing your body and emotions to adjust effortlessly towards a healthier diet.

Stop Binge Eating Subliminal Affirmations

  • I love my body.
  • I want my body to be healthy and full of energy.
  • I trust my body to tell me when it’s hungry.
  • I trust my body to tell me what it needs to eat.
  • I love giving my body what it needs to be healthy.
  • I love feeling healthy and full of vibrant energy.
  • I have a healthy relationship with food.
  • Eating health just comes naturally to me now.
  • I eat the right foods at the right times.
  • I happily nourish my body and love giving it exactly what it needs.
  • I deserve to love and respect myself.
  • I deserve love and respect from others.
  • I love being healthy.
  • I love being energetic and feeling fully alive.
  • I enjoy everything that life has to offer me.
  • I am confident in my ability to take great care of my body.
  • I have ample time to relax and enjoy life.
  • I can always relax and enjoy the simple things in life.
  • I can always trust my body to tell me what it needs from me.
  • I respect myself and encourage myself to learn and grow.
  • I am honest to myself and other people.
  • I know how to care for myself.
  • I am free to treat myself the way I deserve to be treated.
  • My confidence in myself and my health is growing more and more each day.


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