Master Your Singing Voice 2.0 MP3s


Developing the rich, crystal clear singing voice you’ve always dreamed of having can be fun and easy. If you can learn to feel successful, and to maintain a sense of faith in your ability to achieve the goals you set for yourself, you have already made it most of the way towards achieving anything you desire!

This subliminal hypnosis session is designed to allow your subconscious mind to reflect on times in your past when you have felt the most successful, and apply that same feeling towards every voice training session for maximum progress.

In this state of mind you will dramatically accelerate your learning curve, minimize trial and error, and experience a deeper sense of accomplishment as you easily progress from one lesson to the next in your voice training.

  • Subliminally program your subconscious mind with better breathing habits and posture for instant improvement in the tonal quality from day one.
  • Develop more body awareness and a keener sense of pitch detection in your voice.
  • Eliminate any fears, doubts or negative mental barriers that may be keeping you from reaching peak performance.
  • Enhance your ability to stay “in the zone” so you can meet and exceed your expectations.
  • Maintain a positive attitude towards training that will keep you 100% motivated to keep working until you succeed.

Stop struggling with your voice training and finally achieve the level of mastery you deserve now!

What’s New In Speedzen 2.0?

Each new Speedzen 2.0 subliminal audio program includes a variety of 1-hour MP3 tracks to choose from:

  • Meditation Music
  • Ocean Waves
  • Mountain Stream
  • Gentle Thunderstorm

So you can pick your favorite, or switch them up depending on your mood!

More importantly, each Speedzen 2.0 subliminal MP3 includes two different scripts…

One script designed specifically to speak to your logical, left brain hemisphere. And one script for your creative, right brain hemisphere.

By playing these two scripts simultaneously – one in each ear – your conscious and unconscious mind are each re-programmed with new and empowering beliefs faster than ever before.

This new, Dual-Hemisphere Subliminal Scripting method also works without the need for long meditation sessions or total concentration.

You can still use them to meditate. And you *should* still meditate at least once a week, just to get the mental and emotional benefits of meditation, but…

This new scripting method works so fast that you can start feeling results in as little as 10-20 minutes a day!

And, you can listen while you work, go for a walk, or anything else throughout your day… and still get fast results.

Listening Instructions

However, it’s important that you use headphones or earbuds. They are required for these new audios to work effectively.

You must also make sure that you are wearing them properly – so that the left script is playing in your left ear, and the right script is playing in your right ear.

If your headphones/earbuds are clearly labeled Left & Right, then you’re good to go!

But, if they’re not labeled, just listen for the Left Ear Indicator tone at the beginning of each MP3.

When you first play any of these MP3s, you’ll hear a tone playing in one of your ears. That tone needs to be in your left ear. So, if it’s in the right instead, just swap them around before continuing.


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