Play From Your Heart 2.0 Subliminal MP3s


  • Subliminally train yourself to stay in a state of flow when you play
  • Let go of worried thoughts and distractions while you play
  • Stop getting stuck in your head when it’s time to perform

As a musician, you’ve certainly experienced the pure bliss of creative flow…

That state where you feel like a perfect channel for the music of your soul, as each note flows effortlessly into the next.

…Your hands go where they’re needed without a second thought, and the music pours straight from your heart and through your instrument.

But, if you tend to lose that flow when it comes to playing for others, then you also know how scary it can feel trying to get back into that flow state while under pressure.

Out there on stage… performance anxiety strikes.

Your muscle memory seems to fade away, leaving you fumbling around as if you’d never practiced at all. Your mind spews out worried thoughts, crippling your creativity and making you forget what to do next.

Luckily, this anxiety is nothing more than a simple mindset issue that can be easily solved by removing the subconscious need to be perfect and in control when others are watching you. Fear of being out of control is the enemy of creativity, especially when your performance depends on your ability to just let go and experience the music.

This session will train your mind to stay focused on the music, and only the music, whenever you perform. Allowing you to remain in that state of flow, even under pressure, as you learn to let go of worry and stop getting stuck in your head when it’s time to play.

You will feel more free and focused from day one.

And, with practice, you will learn to finally let go of control, and simply allow the music of your heart to flow, free and clear, into the hearts and souls of your audience.

What’s New In Speedzen 2.0?

Each new Speedzen 2.0 subliminal audio program includes a variety of 1-hour MP3 tracks to choose from:

  • Meditation Music
  • Ocean Waves
  • Mountain Stream
  • Gentle Thunderstorm

So you can pick your favorite, or switch them up depending on your mood!

More importantly, each Speedzen 2.0 subliminal MP3 includes two different scripts…

One script designed specifically to speak to your logical, left brain hemisphere. And one script for your creative, right brain hemisphere.

By playing these two scripts simultaneously – one in each ear – your conscious and unconscious mind are each re-programmed with new and empowering beliefs faster than ever before.

This new, Dual-Hemisphere Subliminal Scripting method also works without the need for long meditation sessions or total concentration.

You can still use them to meditate. And you *should* still meditate at least once a week, just to get the mental and emotional benefits of meditation, but…

This new scripting method works so fast that you can start feeling results in as little as 10-20 minutes a day!

And, you can listen while you work, go for a walk, or anything else throughout your day… and still get fast results.

Listening Instructions

However, it’s important that you use headphones or earbuds. They are required for these new audios to work effectively.

You must also make sure that you are wearing them properly – so that the left script is playing in your left ear, and the right script is playing in your right ear.

If your headphones/earbuds are clearly labeled Left & Right, then you’re good to go!

But, if they’re not labeled, just listen for the Left Ear Indicator tone at the beginning of each MP3.

When you first play any of these MP3s, you’ll hear a tone playing in one of your ears. That tone needs to be in your left ear. So, if it’s in the right instead, just swap them around before continuing.


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