Stop Caring What Others Think 2.0 Subliminal MP3s


It’s human nature to want to be liked and to seek approval.

But when you sacrifice your own needs and dreams over fear of criticism or standing out from the crowd, it can stop you from getting anywhere in life.

After all, the only way to avoid criticism in life is to never accomplish anything; just be as bland as possible so you can blend in with the crowd.

If you accept the status quo for what it is because everyone around you does, you’ll tip toe your way through life by doing things in order to please others, without regard for your own beliefs and values. Eventually your actions, appearance, and life become molded by how you think other people will see you.

But living a life that follows the ideal notions of what other people think is a terrible way to live. It makes you become the spineless spectator who waits for other people to take action first. It makes you become a follower.

Worst of all, it makes you become someone who doesn’t take a stand for anything.

So if you’d rather be yourself and strive to accomplish great things in your life, you’re going to have to accept the fact that people will criticize you. And you’re going to need to develop the emotional strength required to stop letting fear and anxiety prevent you from sharing your creativity with the world or from being the person you’re truly meant to be.

This subliminal hypnosis session will allow you to let go of that anxiety – that fear of being judged – so that you can focus on making your own way in the world.

And as you let go of your fears and embrace your true passion in life, you’ll attract more people like yourself into your life.

With time you’ll desensitize yourself to criticism. Like any other fear, once you actually experience it a few times you’ll realize that you were more afraid of the anticipation of the event than the event itself. When you get criticized and realize that you’re still alive, that the world is still turning, the fear of criticism loses its power over you for good.

You’ll care less about what the haters think of you as you begin to care more deeply about who you are and what you are creating. You’ll follow your passion and your inspiration. You’ll go where you are called, and create what is inside you.

The greatest achievements the world has ever seen were started by individuals who marched to the beat of a different drummer. And as you set out to change the world, you’ll be sure your drum is loud enough drown out all the critics.

What’s New in Speedzen 2.0?

Each new Speedzen 2.0 subliminal audio program includes a variety of 1-hour MP3 tracks to choose from:

  • Meditation Music
  • Ocean Waves
  • Mountain Stream
  • Gentle Thunderstorm

So you can pick your favorite listening experience, or even switch them up depending on your mood.

More importantly, each Speedzen 2.0 subliminal MP3 includes two different scripts…

One script designed specifically to speak to your logical, left brain hemisphere. And one script for your creative, right brain hemisphere.

By playing these two scripts simultaneously – one in each ear – your conscious and unconscious mind are each re-programmed with new and empowering beliefs faster than ever before.

This new, Dual-Hemisphere Subliminal Scripting method also works without the need for long meditation sessions or total concentration.

You can still use them to meditate. And you *should* still meditate at least once a week, just to get the mental and emotional benefits of meditation, but…

This new scripting method works so fast that you can start feeling results in as little as 10-20 minutes a day!

And, you can listen while you work, go for a walk, or anything else throughout your day… and still get fast results.

Listening Instructions

However, it’s important that you use headphones or earbuds. They are required for these new audios to work effectively.

You must also make sure that you are wearing them properly – so that the left script is playing in your left ear, and the right script is playing in your right ear.

If your headphones/earbuds are clearly labeled Left & Right, then you’re good to go!

But, if they’re not labeled, just listen for the Left Ear Indicator tone at the beginning of each MP3.

When you first play any of these MP3s, you’ll hear a tone playing in one of your ears. That tone needs to be in your left ear. So, if it’s in the right instead, just swap them around before continuing.


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